HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program – Disaster Recovery Grants

WHO: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
WHY: To rebuild the affected areas and provide crucial seed money to start the recovery process and to help communities and neighborhoods that otherwise might not recover due to limited resources.
WHAT: Grants given to cover disaster recovery efforts that are unmet by other Federal disaster assistance programs.  These grants are targeted for communities that are primarily low-and moderate-income and have the capacity to carry out a disaster recovery program (usually these are governments that already receive HOME or Community Development Block Grant allocations).
Grantees may use CDBG Disaster Recovery funds for recovery efforts involving housing, economic development, infrastructure and prevention of further damage to affected areas.  Examples of these activities include, but are not limited to:

  1. Buying damaged properties in a flood plain and relocating residents to safer areas
  2. Debris removal not covered by FEMA
  3. Rehabilitation of homes and buildings damaged by the disaster; 4) homeownership activities such as down payment assistance, interest rate subsidies and loan guarantees for disaster victims.

WHEN: After an official disaster declaration.
HOW: HUD notifies eligible governments that must then develop and submit an Action Plan for Disaster Recovery before receiving CDBG Disaster Recovery grants. The Action Plan must describe the needs, strategies, and projected uses of the Disaster Recovery funds.
NOTES: There are other program areas covered by CDBG that may be helpful to your community.  Amongst these are: 1) Entitlement Communities 2) Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program 3) HUD Administered Small Cities 4) Insular Areas and more.  For a complete listing check out:
TAGS: Declared Disaster, low income, funding, other, home