Tag Archives | adaptation & mitigation

New Inundation Analysis Tool Released

There’s a lot of evidence that the future in coastal areas will look a lot like the past, only with more bad times. That once a century event might be more like once a decade by 2100. And brace for that “once a decade storm” — it may soon hit every few years. If this […]

Historical and Legal Context for Rhode Island’s Erosion Woes

Insightful thoughts submitted by attorney and Natural Hazard Mitigation Association President Ed Thomas on the NYT Rhode Island article I mentioned yesterday: This extremely important article displays a thoughtful approach to 1) the questions of what we should do about sea level rise and beach erosion; 2) the very real problems we face as a […]

Norfolk, Virginia Continues to Battle Sea Level Rise [VIDEO]

A sobering look at how Norfolk, Virginia has moved far beyond debating climate change and sea level rise. When the mayor dares to mention “retreat zones” as an option, you know things are serious. Need a quick video on sea level rise to show your elected officials? Try this. Watch “Rising tide in Norfolk, Va.” […]

NOAA Releases New Report on How Local Communities Can Adapt to Climate Change

Several NOAA offices (CSC, NGS, COOPS, and OCS) have collaboratively released a new handbook to help communities adopt to sea level rise. From the introduction: Just as flooding threats need to be factored into coastal community planning initiatives, so too should sea level change. Unfortunately, the “one size fits all” approach does not work. The […]

Another Climate Change Adaptation Handbook

Haven’t had a chance to review this at length, but here’s what the Center for Climate Strategies has to say about their new handbook: The Center for Climate Strategies Adaptation Guidebook includes a catalogue of adaptation actions, detailed review of state and local adaptation plans and comprehensive methodology and supporting templates for sub national adaptation […]

New(ish) Climate Change Resource Library

The United States Global Change Research Program recently launched a revamped Resource Library for easier, more intuitive access to Federal global change resources.     For those unfamiliar with the organization, USGCR’s Congressionally-mandated purpose is to “disseminate to foreign governments, businesses, and institutions, as well as citizens of foreign countries, scientific research information available in […]

NOAA Shares Tools for Understanding and Addressing Coastal Inundation

The NOAA Coastal Services Center, as part of their Digital Coast program, has assembled a Coastal Inundation Toolkit. The new “Visualize” section allows users to learn how different types of visualizations can help communities understand their inundation risks and vulnerabilities. The “Picture It” page offers tools and local examples of how photos, maps, and mapping […]

Growing Agreement that Taxpayers Shouldn’t Subsidize Risky Coastal Development

From today’s New York Times: Insurance companies got out of the business of writing flood insurance decades ago, so much of the risk from sea level rise is expected to fall on the financially troubled National Flood Insurance Program, set up by Congress, or on state insurance pools. Federal taxpayers also heavily subsidize coastal development […]